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Digital Marketing & Project Management Program for Digital Specialists and Entrepreneurs

Digital marketing & Project Management Program

for digital specialists and entrepreneurs,

BAU graduates and last year students


3-months on-site program on Digital Marketing & Project Management is offered for middle+ level digital specialists and entrepreneurs who want to start working with foreign companies on European and Turkish markets, systematize knowledge, improve their skills and develop professional contacts.


Duration: 3 months

Format: on site in Istanbul

Application deadline: January 10, 2022

Start of the Program: 01 February 2023



Organizers: Bahçeşehir University (BAU, Istanbul), and Congress company  (Saint Petersburg, Russia) – professional business and cultural events organizer.


Courses of the Program

  1. Digital Marketing and Social Media Management (48 hours)
  2. Project Management (48 hours)
  3. Business English for Professionals (48 hours)

144 hours on intensive training in total.


The program is ideal for:

  1. digital professionals from the middle level, who want to start working with foreign companies, systematize knowledge, acquire professional contacts around the world and get an official qualification.
  2. Marketing and Management Graduates and last-year students, who want to reinforce their CV, network with digital marketing professionals during business visits and win best employment opportunities.


Brief look at the program:

1) Digital Marketing Tools and SMM Strategies to enter the international markets of Europe and Turkey

2) An omnichannel approach to digital marketing

3) Deep study of e-commerce tools

4) Project and team management for those who want to scale

5) Bonus for the first flow: a business visit to the digital agency Tazifikir in Istanbul and networking with experts.


Program Benefits

  1. Convenient schedule

A comfortable schedule will allow you to combine training with remote work or with basic studies


  1. International Certificate

Graduates of the program receive an international BAU certificate of professional development


  1. One entrance exam

To enroll in the program, you only need to check the level of English (online test)


  1. Teachers

Experienced teaching staff  (Microsoft, Green Peace International,  ) and the ability to expand the network of professional contacts.


  1. Legal support

Legal and administrative support will be provided during the preparation for the trip and in the process of study in Istanbul


To get detailed program and to enroll please contact our partners in Russia:

+7921 586 81 59 (Saint Petersburg)

+90 535 526 93 24 (Istanbul)

Or fill in a short form at the



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