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Bahçeşehir University met with students at CO-OP Baku


The “Fundamentals of Career” event organized by Bahçeşehir University International Promotion Directorate in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, was held on February 3, 2024 at the Intercontinental Hotel.

The event, where CO-OP Director Bahri Toper, CO-OP Career Psychological Counselor Neyzen Aydın Yanık and our graduates made presentations, was attended by approximately 100 high school students at the beginning of their career journeys.

In the first session of the event, which attracted great interest from students, our CO-OP program and the opportunities it offers to students were explained by the CO-OP Director. In the second session, our CO-OP Career Counselor discussed important factors in career planning with the active participation of the students in the hall, and shared tips that will help them discover their own potential, set goals and achieve these goals.

In the following sessions, the event ended with our graduates, especially BAU Alumni Association Secretary General Melih Elidüzgün, sharing their career journeys.

Within the scope of the Baku program, Ada University, State Economic University and State Occupation Agency were also visited and the CO-OP education model was explained, and it was emphasized that it could be established in Azerbaijani universities with the support of our university.✨

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