BAU Become the First Educational Institution Taken Into the Scope of Turquality
BAHÇEŞEHIR University (BAU) became the first educational institution taken into the scope of branding program “TURQUALITY” carried out by the Ministry of Economy.
Bahçeşehir University, which has become “Export Champion in Education” for two years in a row in the field of 500 Major Exporters of Turkey, has been taken into the scope of TURQUALITY Support Program and led the way.
Enver Yücel, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Bahcesehir University, who has evaluated the subject, said that “Since the day our institution was founded, we have acted in the vision of transcending boundaries in education and becoming an international educational institution. Today, we have educational institutions at different points of the world, students from all countries and geographies and brand recognition in the world. This moves surely us further on the road to become a world brand. We, as Bahcesehir University, are expanding the pride of being a Turkey’s brand on an international scale to be involved in the TURQUALITY program.”